Interestingly, satisfied my curiosity by describing modern events as one that uses modern technology to deliver an event management experience to its attendees. Modern events planning are about moving the provision of event management processes to a digital platform while still providing the unforgettable experiences the traditional process is known for. 

Although in the past Nigeria has been slow at adopting and mainstreaming certain technological tools in its hospitality, entertainment and tourism sectors, the story is changing with the increased penetration of the internet and ultimately smart phones.

Eventpaadi will not only expose these tools but also give great insights into the enormous benefits they provide in terms of the growth and development of the events industry in Nigeria.

Warning ! If two or more of these tools are not engaged at your event in Nigeria, then you may be backward and still be termed ‘old school’ in the events industry in Nigeria.

Here are the tools:

1. Digital invitations and digital management of guest list

Modern events are paperless, or, in other words, going green, reducing carbon emissions to their barest minimum. Some Nigerians are yet to come to terms with providing and presenting guest invitations digitally. This entails  directly sending event invitations via email, WhatsApp or, better yet, embedded in a QR code and sent to their smart phones.

As opposed to printing ink on papers that will only last a few hours and then be used as the wrappers for the locally produced (Akara) beancakes, which would have cost thousands of naira; agendas, programs, and guest list management can be managed digitally.

Consequently, the environment is protected, the budget is better managed and the attendees are given better experiential packages they can talk about even after the event. Furthermore, attendance and other guest information are better tracked and managed digitally for future purposes.

2. Event management software for modern events planning

Since then, a lot of event managers throughout the world have moved away from the labor-intensive manual processes of monitoring, execution, and other related tasks. Even if it doesn’t think for you, event management software has made things incredibly simple and easier for you. It streamlines the processes involved in event planning.

Even though there are many affordable event management tools available, some Nigerian event professional are still at ease using their obsolete laborious methods. As a result, they lose out on a number of advantages, like getting the business of well-paying customers who want to collaborate with event firms that are technologically savvy. They are unable to use straightforward project management techniques and generate reports, which the software would have made simple and straightforward. Additionally, they are ill-prepared to maintain profitable ROI and business expansion performances.

3. Social media integration tools for modern events planning

How modern can your event be without social media integration?. Business NG, in its latest report, has estimated that an estimated 103 million Nigerians are connected to the internet and 36.75 million of these are on social media.

In this context, social media may be termed the abode of many Nigerians, little wonder, they are called social media natives. It is increasingly, becoming a platform where, business transactions, political, socioeconomic, gossip, religious and cultural narratives of society are harvested. Which is why it is the best option for event managers who are looking for increased attendance and wide reach for the event promotion and marketing efforts.

In modern event management practice,  social media is a crucial factor in the overall strategy for a guaranteed success. platforms such as Facebook. Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., are common social media platforms that have become prominent in the execution of event management strategies. 

4. Security and access Control tools

Advances in event security and access control technologies have significantly increased safety and security efficiencies. Only authorized people are allowed access, thanks to biometric technologies like fingerprint and face recognition.

It is interesting to note that the use of digital ticketing and personalized smartphone apps streamlines the check-in process, and strategically placed surveillance cameras offer real-time monitoring. Recent technologies, like RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology, enable seamless attendance tracking and reduce the encumbrances encountered during the processing of security passes. Consequently, waiting times are eliminated or drastically reduced.

5. Feedback and Data analytics tools

I have worked with a number of local event professionals in Nigeria and found that most of them ignore feedback tools. This has resulted in their inability to measure up with client expectations, analyze performance, improve event management processes and come up with workable growth strategies.

Simple tools, such as WhatsApp’s polls or Google forms, when used optimally, help capture attendees feedback conveniently. Other information such as attendee’s essential and personal information, preferences, opinions, comments, behaviours may be captured using third party modern event feedback and data analytic tools, etc. When this information is analyzed efficiently, it will provide critical action points that you will deploy in your next events to ensure that there is an improved event management process that will promote an experience that will be talked about for a long time.

Summarily, event professionals in Nigeria should consistently engage with modern events tools to secure the future of their enterprise, or be left behind by their counterparts globally. In addition, they should seek collaboration and partnerships with event professional in other climes in order to promote better opportunities. To ensure Nigeria’s presence in the international event management scene and to provide guests with safe and unforgettable experiences, Nigerian event planners must remain adaptive as technology develops.

About Author

Mfon Barry is a seasoned event and media professional with a wealth of experience. He is a prolific writer, an adept blogger, and a seasoned public relations professional. With a rich history of working in various roles within the events, media and communication industry, Mfon Barry brings a depth of expertise to the event sector.

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