Event management is a professional discipline that is evolving; as a result, event management is NOT one of the many things that people are currently putting up. The presence of fundamental principles such as creativity, strategic thinking, coordination, risk management, human relations and many more are active ingredients in the profession and are pointers to what successful event management is really about.

In this article, we will expose what event management is really about by looking at the reverse side of what event management is not. Eventpaadi will also highlight those principles that must be obeyed to help event professionals realign their visions and mission for the realization of their personal and business goals.

Let’s dive right into it

1. Event management is not arranging of wine glasses and tables

Don’t call yourself an event manager just because you can arrange highball glasses and place center pieces on tables. Just anyone with good sense can make that happen. Fascinatingly, event management encompasses more strategic ways of creating unforgettable experiences for event attendees. In essence, there are tested and trusted techniques and tactics to make these happen; it goes beyond arranging glasses and tables.

2. Event Management is not a solo endeavour

It is not appropriate for one person to handle all aspects of the event management discipline. One person may own the business but cannot make it a complete event management entity. In contrast, event management entails the involvement of an inclusive team that must work together to make the event management process a successful endeavour.

3. Event Management is not all about making money

Although making money is a critical aspect to consider in setting up an event management business, money alone does not guarantee the future of the business, nor will it provide your guests with the needed experience they want to have. It has to be understood that there are more crucial factors that must be promoted. They are goodwill, maintaining good and profitable networks, interpersonal and relational skills, successful management of personal and corporate brands, and many others. Event management involves putting all these factors together for a sustainable business.

4. It is not about neglecting event guest for selfish reasons

The event guest or the event attendee is a major character that cannot be outplayed in the event management business. However, event management is not an avenue to manipulate them for selfish reasons. Amongst selling and promoting a particular product or course, promoting the economic and social well-being of the attendee is a major reason for having guest attend your events. This thoughts must consistently resonate in the minds of the professional so as to provide experiences that torches the personal preferences and interests of the attendees.

5. it is not about Unstructured Execution

Event management is never executed in a half-hazard manner; instead, it is about following a well-structured execution strategy. The ignorance of this will only produce undesired results, waste or resources and a loss of confidence from the attendees. What I am trying to put across is that successful events depend on a defined timeline for each event process that needs to be executed, defined roles, expected results and targets, as well as challenges that are expected and what to do to nip them in the bud.

6. Lack of Communication

Event management without effective communication is not a good sign. No matter how fantastic your plans are on paper, it will remain a dream until it are well communicated to all parties involved in the project. This requires understanding the peculiarities’ of the stakeholders and how to communicate the information for proper comprehension.

Effective communication is a major skill for event management professionals. It will help in skillful negotiations, keep the workflow intact and prevent unnecessary errors.

7. It is not about disregarding feedback

Disregarding feedback in events management is a destructive tendency. In other words, it undermines the growth and development of event management business and process, and in addition, it deprives the attendees of enhanced experience.

Feedback involves gathering criticisms and comments as well as responses from event guests, sponsors, and vendors. They are valuable because, when they are evaluated, they offer meaningful insights into what worked, what did not work well or what needs improvement.

8. Event management is not spending without regards to budget

To make sure that all event-related costs are met without going overboard, a carefully considered budget must be adhered to. You risk stress, insufficient funds, and unforeseen expenses if you ignore the financial limits in your budget. Skilled event professionals carefully schedule and track costs, adjusting as necessary to keep costs within budget. They can offer a successful event free from financial risk by adhering to budgetary limits

9. It is not about selecting event venue randomly

Random selection of an event venue entails choosing an event venue without regard to the peculiarities of the attendees, the size of the crowd, or the availability of essential amenities at the venue. Event management involves a thorough consideration of the specific needs of the events and aligning them with the venue and its provisions . to ensure a seamless flow of event management processes.

In summary, we have exposed the contrasting factor as regards what event management is not about to clearly highlight what event management really is. I am optimistic that you have observed that event management. is the process of planning, organizing, executing, and evaluating event proceedings in order to provide a meaningful experience to the guest.

About Author

Mfon Barry is a seasoned event and media professional with a wealth of experience. He is a prolific writer, an adept blogger, and a seasoned public relations professional. With a rich history of working in various roles within the events, media and communication industry, Mfon Barry brings a depth of expertise to the event sector.

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