This is the secret:

When you understand that every type of event problem revolves around these three factors, namely the people (attendees, guest participants), the place (venue, location), and the purpose (reason for having the event, expectations, goals), then your problem is half solved. This is because you will understand that there are no problems you will encounter when planning or executing your event that will not emerge from these three factors.

It is pertinent to note that it is not advisable to experiment with certain kinds of events, considering the budget or other intricacies that may be involved. Consequently, get a mentor, knowledgeable partner, or well-experienced partner who can bear the brunt of the risk while taking you through the ropes.

But before we begin, let me also let you know that however simple these hacks may seem, it will take consistent learning and application, especially aligning them to your own event goals, for effective results. We will approach this article by stating the problems and then going ahead to provide how to solve them. Follow me.

Let’s get right in

Take this First and most crucial step, Identify the problem

Many event managers still step on their accelerator full blast without first identifying what the possible glitches could be.  Take time to identify the possible things that could go wrong, depending on your level of execution. Some people call it risk tracking, but it prepares you psychologically for any eventuality. recommends that it is pertinent to define the event problems, which is also among the first steps to take before going ahead to solve the problem. Many other experts, including have recommended that event managers never rush into solving a problem without first defining the problem to prevent applying the wrong medications to an ailment, which may cause a waste of time, effort, and financial resources.

So here the some event problems that are commonly encountered and how to go about solving them

1. Low audience turnout

This is a regular event problem that occurs when the actual attendance is below expectations. It could be very discouraging, especially when it is a ticketed event. Imagine putting in huge resources without a commensurate outcome. The causes of this problem could vary, ranging from targeting the wrong audience segment to using inappropriate marketing channels with low budgets.

What to do

Focus on and refocus your marketing and promotional strategies. This is why the above recommendations are important. There are possibilities that you have probably targeted the wrong set of audiences. Ensure you use the right set of messages that can resonate with the audiences and that you have identified the right audiences, where they are, and their interests and preferences. Do you know that a simple Facebook ad can help you direct these parameters properly, at least for a start, especially if your target audiences are found on those platforms?

Also, consider using multiple channels for your promotional and marketing efforts. While you are doing this, set a moderate target or goal accurately aligned with your budget and capacity. These are variables that should be noted so you don’t overestimate or set unrealistic targets for yourself. Also, consider introducing the right incentive.

2. Technicality issues

Another event problem that you may encounter while executing your event is technical glitches. This problem could arise in electrical, mechanical, or multimedia areas. They are capable of distracting and disrupting events or becoming a threat if not well tackled.

What to do

It is recommended that you perform thorough technical checks based on what technical mechanical apparatus will be deployed during the event. Visit the venue of the event and do simple simulation exercises where it is very necessary. Ensure that all presentations reach the secretariat desk on time and in the right format.

Most importantly, you should have a dependable backup plan for the technical areas and have standby technical personnel assigned to the area of concern just in case.

3. Event Problems with catering

This problem may arise as a result of poor quality food or its presentation, shortages, or its inability to meet the number of people that are present. This may leave a very negative impression on the attendees and breed a lack of confidence.

What to do:

Ensure to engage caterers with proven records and antecedents in the first place. Engage with the caterer in good time and determine the menu, presentation, and number of heads they will cater to. Ensure that dietary restrictions are also considered seriously. Generally, ensure quality standards are adhered to and make sure proper licenses are obtained where necessary.

4. Inadequate communication

Miscommunication or inadequate communication is a common challenge that occurs at events and sometimes has ripple effects. It may arise as a result of not communicating properly or using the wrong channel of communication.

What to do

Create open lines of communication among all parties concerned. To keep everyone up to date, make use of resources like email and messaging services, and ensure there is always feedback to track proper understanding of communicated messages. Hold regular meetings and observe timelines or milestones.

For bigger event projects, you may engage project management software to help you manage the intricacies and determine variables that are very important to track.

5. Disappointments from Event speakers of facilitators

When the much talked about event speaker or facilitator fails to show up due to unforeseen circumstances or situations that cant be changed. It can be a demoralizing factor for the event organizers. It can also cause the well planned event sequences to be altered thereby shifting attention from the event objectives if proper care is not taken.

What to do

It is always advisable to plan ahead in order not to be taken unawares. Alternatively prepare a substitute speaker or facilitator, who is capable of stepping into the shoes of the speaker who failed to show up. Ensure that the person would have been prep ahead and not be take unawares. This arrangement can be from within or external depending on capability and availability.

In conclusion

On the whole, it is pertinent to note that the problems encountered in event planning are not restricted to the ones enumerated above; however, it is always good to take the first step recommended earlier in this piece. You may visit my previous topic on FAQs in event management to learn more.

About Author

Mfon Barry is a seasoned event and media professional with a wealth of experience. He is a prolific writer, an adept blogger, and a seasoned public relations professional. With a rich history of working in various roles within the events, media and communication industry, Mfon Barry brings a depth of expertise to the event sector.

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