Event App Development: Emerging Trends in Nigeria you need to know now
Event Tech
4 min read

Event App Development: Emerging Trends in Nigeria you need to know now

March 9, 2024

The app development market in Nigeria is growing rapidly, positively impacting the future of event app development. It may interest you to note that the App development market in Nigeria will be valued at about 366.34 billion dollars in 2030 according to truepush.com Although the use of event apps may

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Event Vendor Networking: How to Create Profitable and Rewarding Partnerships
Event Showcase
4 min read

Event Vendor Networking: How to Create Profitable and Rewarding Partnerships

February 28, 2024

For every event planner aspiring to be successful in the industry, event vendor networking cannot be overemphasized. It was Grant Cardone who said that your “network determines your net worth.” Event vendor networking is one asset you must possess because, as the industry is, you cannot do everything all alone.

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Latest: How RHUNA’s Innovative Solution will revolutionize events and entertainment
Event Showcase
2 min read

Latest: How RHUNA’s Innovative Solution will revolutionize events and entertainment

February 26, 2024

Rhuna, a fintech platform, is revolutionizing the events and entertainment industry by integrating Web 3.0 and blockchain technologies. This was made public through a press statement released on February 19, 2024 by bravenewcoin.com. According to the statement, UNTOLD Universe, a top music festival organizer, is partnering with Rhuna to develop

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5 Expert Tips On How To Win Negotiations in Event Planning You need to know
Event Showcase
5 min read

5 Expert Tips On How To Win Negotiations in Event Planning You need to know

February 19, 2024

Winning negotiations in event planning deals is probably one of the most difficult skills to adapt to as event professionals. Many have lost major accounts or settled for deals that didn’t favour their bottom line, based on their ignorance of certain fundamental steps or factors needed to seal a deal.

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7 Best Event Planning Metrics for Elevating Your Event Success Now
Event Tech
5 min read

7 Best Event Planning Metrics for Elevating Your Event Success Now

February 12, 2024

Are you among those event planners who are ignorant about what event planning metrics are all about or have probably been focusing on the wrong event planning metrics for your event? Congratulations! You are about to discover what will elevate your performance in the industry and help you serve your

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5 interesting Event Planning Lessons from the Liberia’s Presidential Inauguration
Event Stories
4 min read

5 interesting Event Planning Lessons from the Liberia’s Presidential Inauguration

January 25, 2024

Important event planning lessons for event planners worldwide emerged against the backdrop of Liberia’s 2024 presidential inaugural on January 22, 2024, which was characterized by unforeseen challenges.  I was persuaded to emphasize these five essential event planning lessons that should never be disregarded after reading Austin S. Fallah of the

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Interesting Tips That Will Reveal What  Best Event Planners do
Event Showcase
4 min read

Interesting Tips That Will Reveal What Best Event Planners do

January 24, 2024

This post will offer valuable insights into industry secrets that reveal what best event planners do, as well as steps to achieve your goals if you want to be one of the top event planners in the business. After working in the field for a considerable number of years, I

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