The roles of event planners can be daunting when there is no focus. which is why these most important things must be considered seriously and imbibed as a lifestyle. Interestingly, as challenging as the event management profession could be, not all things must be handled with the same level of importance. Identifying the most important things, helps us identify the areas where more efforts and resources can be focused to achieve greater impact and results.

The Pareto principle,, also known as the 80/20 rule, asserts that about 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes. In other words, it suggests that a small percentage of inputs usually yield the majority of results. This also holds for the event management industry, and as well the event manager, in the sense that when the event professional recognizes the right inputs and then concentrates efforts and resources, 80% success is guaranteed

From my depth of experience in the field, Eventpaadi would like to share with you 7 things that are most important for every event manager. These things are guaranteed to make you better priced in the industry once they are well followed by applying them as lifestyles.

So let’s get right in.

1. Have a vision

Have you ever been on a bus that is going nowhere? or going to a destination you don’t know. This is the case of any event planner who does not have a vision. A vision is one of the most important things to have, as an event professional; it is the sum total of where you intend to be and how you intend to get there. It is one factor that makes you unique and different from the other event professionals in the ecosystem.

A lack of vision means that the event professional is not heading to a destination or, at worst, is still heading for the wrong destination. Your vision will help you to create a standard for yourself, helping you to filter out options that do not align with your vision.

2. Be Known for something

Be known for something, or fall for everything’ is just as John Hegarty said when he said, “It’s better to be known for something than to be forgotten for nothing.” Every event manager who wants to make an impact and be well approved by decision-makers must be known for one thing. That is the very thing that they are good at. Don’t work to be known for doing everything in the industry; it is a matter of time you will soon become irrelevant and Jack of all trades,master of none.

Why not find your niche and gain mastery in that area by putting in all you have: time, resources, and efforts, including perseverance and consistency? For instance, for years I worked in a mega-event company that was known specifically for lighting and sound. We led the industry for many years in that niche because we concentrated on all we had and did not try to be some other event company. Consequently, we got all the local and international gigs coming into the country just for being known to the best sound and lighting event company.

3. Building a sustainable Network is one of the most important things

An event manager who plans to run all alone will end up in the ditch without finding help. Even the world is gradually shaping up to become a small village, courtesy of globalization. Just for a better understanding. A network in events management is a group of people, organizations, or different companies that are connected and work together to plan, organize, and carry out events for mutual benefits.

Build a valuable network—that is, a network that fits your vision and is able to provide the best backup when needed.

4. Continuous learning is one of the most important things

Another factor considered one of the most important things that every event manager must know is continuous learning. Continuous learning for an event manager, is a process of learning better and smarter ways of providing a sweeter experience for your attendees. It is also about staying abreast with event management trends around the world

Attendee behaviours are rapidly changing with times and seasons around the globe impacted by economic, financial, and emotional, circumstances. As a results, the event professional is met with fresh challenges of providing just the right kind of atmosphere for the attendees. Continuous learning can be achieved through impactful internships, seminars, workshops and conferences organized by industry experts.

5. Effective Personal

Let me express here that personal branding for an event manager is deliberately projecting oneself as a reliable and credible authority in the field of event management. Abilities, such as knowledge, and distinctive competencies, make them stand out from other professionals in the field.

Nowadays, did you know that there are a lot of faces that want to be seen? Not only that, but a thousand and one other people are doing exactly the same things as you. In our busy environment, effective branding is the best way to be seen and heard. Personal branding is something that any event manager with a commercial mindset needs to take very seriously.

6. Keep good health

Event management is one discipline that is very stressful. Many event professionals think that getting used to stress is a skill, not knowing they are gradually subjecting their body’s vital organs to stress. Instead, one ability to develop is the ability to manage stress. Stress might come from managing events, but it can also come from your personal and professional lives.

Good health is essential because an event professional with his or her back on the sick bed can never achieve anything meaningful, no matter how genius she or he may be. “Health is wealth.”

7. Make Money and grow your profits

The bottom line of every business is to make a profit and not stop there, but consistently grow it. However, care must be taken not to make it the major goal because other factors that have been mentioned earlier contribute significantly to helping the event professional make more money.

In essence, although making money and growing profits are paramount, the event professional must intentionally grow all other aspects, especially those that have been mentioned above. For instance, improving greatly on personal branding, growing networks, and remaining relevant to growing trends can enhance the chances of making more money and growing profits.

In conclusion, there are many other things that are important for the event manager; however, these 7 factors are the most important things every event planner must consider. From an expert point of view, paying very close attention to these factors and making them an integral part of their routine and daily lives will generally enhance their worth in the marketplace.

About Author

Mfon Barry is a seasoned event and media professional with a wealth of experience. He is a prolific writer, an adept blogger, and a seasoned public relations professional. With a rich history of working in various roles within the events, media and communication industry, Mfon Barry brings a depth of expertise to the event sector.

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